
clover club
自家製ラズベリーシロップとジンをシェイクでふんわり仕上げたクラシックカクテル。ジンの鋭さをベリーの香りが包み込んで口当たり優しく。 味も香りも色も、クリスマスを彩るのにふさわしい一杯です。
clover club
this cocktail is from classic recipe. home made raspberry syrup and egg white make gin flavor smooth. color taste match this season. merry christmas!
Chinese Magenese
Created with the image of the Chinese mafia in mind, This cocktail is mainly using ingredients produced in China such as dill, mangosteen, and ginger. The alcohol percentage of this drink is high, but it is fruity and easy to drink.

Niwakabar Niwakabar Niwakabar Niwakabar